

Aug 27, 2023

It Feels Better Naked

I know I should use protection, but it feels so much better with no barriers. It sounds irresponsible and selfish, but it just so much better au naturel. My wife keeps worrying about a possible “accident” if I continue like this, but I don’t care what she says – I’m not going to put a case on my cell phone. It’s not that I don’t care about my cell phone. But it’s less bulky and easier to use without a case – it feels better naked.

It’s been a good phone, and it’s done everything I’ve asked of it. We’ve been through a lot together, and I appreciate all it’s done for me. But it’s several years old, and I’d rather have a new one with nice new features, so I’ve become less interested in protecting my old one with a case or something. I certainly wouldn’t simply discard it, and if something were to happen to it, I would be upset. Briefly. Then I would get a nice, new, shiny phone and move on with my life quite happily.

I’ve noticed that the Democrats seem less interested in protecting Joe Biden recently. Allegations by Republicans sometimes go unchallenged. Tweets that question his integrity often lead to threads of legal hair-splitting rather than armies of bots defending his character. Even the Democrat Party Marketing Division (the news media) allows an occasional story through that acknowledges reality, just a bit. They don’t appear to be ready to simply discard him, and if something were to happen to him, they’d probably be upset. Briefly. But then they would get a nice, new, shiny replacement for him and would move on with their lives quite happily.

I doubt that Mr. Biden has noticed this. But I am quite certain that his inner circle has.

Mr. Biden has worked his way up the political ladder because he is loyal to no person and no ideology. This flexibility has proven useful in his political career. But the downside is that now, no one is loyal to him.

And now, even those who ostensibly are responsible for his political well-being are losing interest in protecting him. Because they would be quite happy to have a nice, new, shiny replacement for him.

And I suspect they’ll find a way to make that switch necessary, fairly soon. They’ll find a way to blame the Republicans, of course. “Oh, we’d rather keep Uncle Joe around – he’s wonderful – he really is. But hey, things happen, and look! This new one can walk and talk and everything! This is so fun and exciting!”

My phone, and Mr. Biden, have served their purpose. They are about to be replaced by their owners, as soon as they can come up with an excuse to do so. My phone will be in a landfill with the rest of the trash, and Mr. Biden will be on the Georgetown faculty with the rest of the Democrats, by the end of the year.

It doesn’t matter how, exactly. We’ve made up our minds. The rest is just details. Just use no protection, and wait for something to happen. And something probably will.

My phone is fine. But those new Samsungs are so shiny and exciting!

We’ll see what happens. You never know…